"Champions aren't made in the gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them -- a desire, a dream, a vision." ~Muhammad Ali

Monday, October 12, 2009

Week 4: Eagle of the Week - Sheila Serafino

This week’s Eagle of the Week goes to Junior, Sheila Serafino. Sheila’s hard work this summer has truly paid off! Her desire to get better and willingness to improve has been clear. Not only has she been working hard on the practice field, but she has come in to watch individual film, which she clearly applied in the tournament this weekend. Moreover, Sheila’s presence on the field, vocal leadership and work ethic in practice and in games has been a huge reason for our success. It’s something not only the coaching staff has notice, but her teammates have also commented on. Congratulations to Sheila and the GOLD team! Keep up the good work.

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