"Champions aren't made in the gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them -- a desire, a dream, a vision." ~Muhammad Ali

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Week 3: Eagle of the Week - BROOKE BLUE

For the first time this fall a freshman has earned the Eagle of the week honors! Brooke Blue, of the Maroon team, has had great work ethic throughout the fall ball season and particularly this past week. Brooke played a critical role in our great wins over Harvard and BU this past weekend. Moreover, her intensity level in practice and particularly in our scrimmages this past weekend has been quite impressive to the coaching staff! Her coachability, competitiveness, determination and willingness to try new things with teammates have not gone unnoticed. There is no doubt that Brooke’s intensity and work ethic will continue to take her to new heights here at BC. Keep up the good work and congratulations to Brooke and the Maroon team.

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