"Champions aren't made in the gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them -- a desire, a dream, a vision." ~Muhammad Ali

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Week 10: Eagle of the Week - Maura Mahoney

This week's Eagle of the Week honor goes to senior and captain, Maura Mahoney. This will be her first time receiving the honor. Maura showed true leadership by not only going to individual sessions, but also encouraging the rest of her teammates to do so. Moreover, Maura worked extremely hard in what was one of the tougher practice weeks this season. Her hard work certainly paid off against Virginia. She was 4 for 4 in her shooting, was a vocal leader on the attacking end. Maura worked hard in her re-defending efforts over the course of the week and was a presence in between the lines, causing turnovers not only in practice, but in the game. Congratulations to Maura and her Gold Team!

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