"Champions aren't made in the gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them -- a desire, a dream, a vision." ~Muhammad Ali

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Week 2: Eagle of the Week - HANNAH ALLEY

Hannah Alley has been chosen as last week’s Eagle of the Week! Hannah has worked very hard in the last couple of weeks to get herself back in shape after taking the majority of the summer off due to injury. However, she returned to campus with passion and has put her heart into every workout she’s been allowed to do. Somehow, she even passed the 300yd shuttle! Last week, in particular, she demonstrated a solid work ethic on the field, in the weight room, and by doing extra things along the way. She is focused, determined, and ready to help guide this team through a great fall season. Congratulations to Hannah for her first Eagle of the Week honor!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Week 1: Eagle of the Week - Katherine Caufield

Our first full fall week is complete! Katherine Caufield, a sophomore and member of the Gold Team has been honored as the year’s first Eagle of the Week. Caufield returned to campus with a renewed energy and clearly did her work over the summer. She not only passed all of the conditioning tests, but she passed them easily. In addition, she ran the Manchester Test a second time the following day to help a couple teammates pass – that is true dedication and a true teammate! Her presence on the field has also been noticed, as she is playing with a sense of confidence and poise that will certainly take her places. Directing teammates and speaking up on the field are clear indicators that she is ready to make a statement this year. What is even more impressive is that Cauf has really gone above and beyond, doing the little things when nobody is watching. She has been spotted on Alumni on multiple occasions, playing around with teammates to improve her game. The coaching staff is thrilled to see this type of work ethic, focus, determination, and positive attitude – those are the character traits that lead to great success. Congratulations to Caufield for setting the tone for everyone for 2010!