"Champions aren't made in the gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them -- a desire, a dream, a vision." ~Muhammad Ali

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Week 6: Eagle of the Week - Nicole Tufariello

The 6th Eagle of the Week honor goes to freshman, Nicole Tufariello! Nicole has listened closely throughout the fall season and clearly taken in a lot as she works to understand BC lacrosse. She has made significant strides throughout the fall season; however, there was a clear jump this last week in her understanding, poise, and ability on the field. Much of her improvement has come from her focus and from her attendence at individual sessions. The hard work she put in last week, and the weeks leading up to it, are showing on and off the field. It is exciting to see this kind of improvement from a freshman, and I imagine her determination will continue to move her forward! Congratulations to Nicole and her maroon team! Keep up the great work!

- Bowen

Monday, October 20, 2008

Week 5: Eagle of the Week - Liz Donovan

"For the first time this fall a freshman has earned the Eagle of the Week honors…and it is well deserved. Liz Donovan has consistently proven herself on and off the field by maintaining a strong work ethic all week long. She has been focused and made important improvements on the defensive end, she has worked hard in individual sessions, and she is communicating well with the coaching staff. All-in-all, Liz is doing what it takes to improve on a daily basis amidst all the challenges freshmen generally face. Her positive attitude, coachability, and willingness to learn and try new things are palpable. There is no doubt with this continued determination she will quickly make her mark on BC Lacrosse! Keep up the great work for yourself, and most importantly, for the entire team!"


Monday, October 13, 2008

Week 4: Eagle of the Week - Lauren Costello

"Lauren Costello has earned the fourth Eagle of the Week honor for her hard work and dedication. She has not only been focused on the practice field, but has also pushed herself in the weight room and worked hard to improve her game through individual sessions.

As a result of receiving this honor, Lauren’s Gold team is now one step closer to evening the score with Maroon. I am sure she and all the Eagles will continue to work hard on and off the field."


Monday, October 6, 2008

Week 3: Eagle of the Week - Jill Rekart

"Sophomore Jill Rekart has earned her Gold Team a point for becoming the 3rd Eagle of the Week this fall! Jill has proven herself on and off the field, as she has attended every individual session, communicated efficiently and consistently with the coaching staff, and worked hard to improve her game within a practice and tournament. Over the weekend, as we competed against Canada, Stanford, BU, and Albany, Jill remained focused and allowed herself to improve with each game. She put into place what was asked of her by the coaching staff and made visible improvements throughout the tournament. We look forward to continued hard work, focus, and improvement from Jill in the coming weeks and months. Congratulations!"
